
One-stop service from creative design, technology research and development, free proofing, and production landing

90% of the customers of Hepan, originated from the introduction of old customers

Review the national industry and realize that the industry serves the country

The leading domestic high-end brand packaging industry chain solution service provider

Quality Standard

Boxpan provides packaging services for European and American luxury brands all year round, with complete qualifications

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    FSCForest management certification
  • Where to customize the packaging_gift box custom manufacturer
    G7Target management certification
  • Where to customize the packaging_gift box custom manufacturer
    ISOQuality Management System Certification
  • Where to customize the packaging_gift box custom manufacturer
    ISOEnvironmental Management System Certification
  • Where to customize the packaging_gift box custom manufacturer
    Business conduct compliance certification
  • Where to customize the packaging_gift box custom manufacturer
    Global security verification
  • Where to customize the packaging_gift box custom manufacturer
    Universal Studios Audit
  • Where to customize the packaging_gift box custom manufacturer
    Disney FAMA certification
  • Where to customize the packaging_gift box custom manufacturer
    Production certification for export dangerous goods packaging containers
  • Where to customize the packaging_gift box custom manufacturer
    Production Supervision Certificate for Postal Articles and Appliances
  • Inspection standards

    Where to customize the packaging_gift box custom manufacturer

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